What is particularly important for students is the opportunity to go on a one-semester or one-year student exchange through the signed agreements on international cooperation that the faculty has with these institutions, gaining valuable life and professional experience. This is an example of real integration into the common European educational market where all student obligations are expressed in the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS).
With some institutions, the faculty has signed agreements that allow students to obtain two degrees by taking exams in the differences in subjects. In many cases, visiting professors from abroad, along with local professors, participate in teaching at all levels of study programs.
Given that the majority of textbooks were originally written by foreign professors, studying at the Belgrade Banking Academy allows students to feel like they are studying abroad. Confirmation of the success of such a strategy is that a number of students extend their studies to master’s and doctoral programs abroad every year, often with the support of state funds as scholarship recipients. All these students easily complete their study programs abroad and find employment in prestigious financial institutions, while staying connected to the faculty through the alumni association of former students.
International cooperation also takes place through joint projects funded by European funds and through the organization of international scientific conferences.
United Kingdom
The University of Nice Sophia Antipolis
The Belgrade Banking Academy successfully cooperates with the University of Nice, Sofia Antipolis. Cooperation takes place in three ways:
- Dual degree model
- Mobility model within one academic year or one semester
- European Project Management – specialist studies in the scope of 30 ESPB, which enable the continuation of studies at the master’s degree at the University of Nice.
The Belgrade Banking Academy successfully cooperates with the University of Nice, Sofia Antipolis. Cooperation takes place in three ways:
- Dual degree model
- Mobility model within one academic year or one semester
- European Project Management – specialist studies in the scope of 30 ESPB, which enable the continuation of studies at the master’s degree at the University of Nice.
The first two models involve teaching in the French language (students prove their knowledge with a DALF or TCF certificate, which confirms the B2 level), while the third model involves knowledge of the English language. Obtaining a diploma from one of the prestigious French universities, as well as the significant contacts that can be made at this university, enable students to have greater mobility on the labor market, both in Serbia and throughout Europe.
Czestochowa University of Technology
Czestochowa University of Technology from Poland, in cooperation with the Belgrade Banking Academy and the Institute of Economic Sciences, published a monograph entitled “Global crisis in the region of Central and Eastern Europe – Impact on financial systems and small and medium-sized enterprises”.
Czestochowa University of Technology from Poland, in cooperation with the Belgrade Banking Academy and the Institute of Economic Sciences, published a monograph entitled “Global crisis in the region of Central and Eastern Europe – Impact on financial systems and small and medium-sized enterprises”.
The monograph is the result of researchers who presented their work at the scientific conference “Economic Prospects in the Second Decade of the 21st Century – How to Get Out of the Crisis,” held on April 14 and 15, 2009 in Belgrade.
Faculty of Economics of the Technical University in Kosice
The Faculty of Economics, Technical University in Košice from Slovakia, in cooperation with the Belgrade Banking Academy and the Institute of Economic Sciences, published a monograph entitled “Influence of Global Economic Crisis on CEE Region – Possible Way Out”. The monograph is the result of the cooperation of a large number of institutions that have gathered around the project of strengthening educational and scientific cooperation between Faculties of Economics within the V4 group and the countries of Southeast Europe.
The Faculty of Economics, Technical University in Košice from Slovakia, in cooperation with the Belgrade Banking Academy and the Institute of Economic Sciences, published a monograph entitled “Influence of Global Economic Crisis on CEE Region – Possible Way Out”. The monograph is the result of the cooperation of a large number of institutions that have gathered around the project of strengthening educational and scientific cooperation between Faculties of Economics within the V4 group and the countries of Southeast Europe.
The project was implemented by the following institutions: University of Economics in Bratislava (Slovakia), Faculty of Management in Karvin (Czech Republic), Faculty of Management in Czestochowa (Poland), Faculty of Economics in Miskolc (Hungary), Faculty of Economics, Technical University in Košice ( Slovakia), the Belgrade Banking Academy and the Institute of Economic Sciences from Belgrade (Serbia). The monograph is the result of researchers who presented their work at the scientific conference “Economic Prospects in the Second Decade of the 21st Century – How to Get Out of the Crisis,” held on April 14 and 15, 2009 in Belgrade.
University of Coimbra, Faculty of Economics
The cooperation of BBA with the Faculty of Economics in Coimbra has been going on for more than ten years. Cooperation is reflected in the organization of joint conferences, visiting professors in both fields and joint projects.
One of the most significant events in the cooperation between the two institutions is the organization of a joint international scientific conference that was held in Coimbra at the beginning of September 2012, in which twenty teachers and associates of BBA and the Institute of Economic Sciences in Belgrade participated. On that occasion, scientific and professional views were exchanged.
The cooperation of BBA with the Faculty of Economics in Coimbra has been going on for more than ten years. Cooperation is reflected in the organization of joint conferences, visiting professors in both fields and joint projects.
One of the most significant events in the cooperation between the two institutions is the organization of a joint international scientific conference that was held in Coimbra at the beginning of September 2012, in which twenty teachers and associates of BBA and the Institute of Economic Sciences in Belgrade participated. On that occasion, scientific and professional views were exchanged.
Currently, with this faculty BBA has an exchange program within Erasmus+ Mobility for Students and Staff. The plan is to continue cooperation within the Erasmus plus program and the organization of new scientific conferences.
Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences
The Belgrade Banking Academy successfully cooperates with the State University of Applied Sciences in Frankfurt – Faculty of Business and Law. Our students have the opportunity to spend one semester on exchange in Frankfurt, listen to classes and take exams in English.
The Belgrade Banking Academy successfully cooperates with the State University of Applied Sciences in Frankfurt – Faculty of Business and Law. Our students have the opportunity to spend one semester on exchange in Frankfurt, listen to classes and take exams in English.
All aged ESPBs are recognized. The impressions of students who have already participated in this exchange program are extremely positive. The stay in Frankfurt contributed both to their personal development and to the acquisition of new knowledge and skills. Of particular importance is the international environment of this leading German university, where students can gain new contacts and experiences and thereby strengthen their potential for professional career development.
University of Reading
The Belgrade Banking Academy has been cooperating with the University of Reading, Great Britain since 2007. Cooperation takes place on several levels. At the level of undergraduate studies, students are recognized for the points earned at the Belgrade Banking Academy, if they wish to continue their education in Reading in the second year of study. The next possibility is to spend one semester in Reading and to have the ECTS points achieved in Great Britain recognized at the Belgrade Banking Academy. Finally, after completing their basic studies at the Belgrade Banking Academy, students can continue their master’s studies at the University of Reading, as there is complete mobility of earned ESPB points.
The Belgrade Banking Academy has been cooperating with the University of Reading, Great Britain since 2007. Cooperation takes place on several levels. At the level of undergraduate studies, students are recognized for the points earned at the Belgrade Banking Academy, if they wish to continue their education in Reading in the second year of study. The next possibility is to spend one semester in Reading and to have the ECTS points achieved in Great Britain recognized at the Belgrade Banking Academy. Finally, after completing their basic studies at the Belgrade Banking Academy, students can continue their master’s studies at the University of Reading, as there is complete mobility of earned ESPB points.
Most of the students opt for this option, and one of the students who successfully completed his postgraduate studies is Uroš Delević, who wrote for his master’s thesis entitled “What is the correlation between the EU integration and industrial development?” received the Henley Business School Dean’s Scholarship.
Also, cooperation implies mutual exchange of teaching staff in order to expand knowledge and experience.