The BBA Faculty is one of the highest-ranked faculties in the field of economics. Its organization and high teaching standards, along with the achievements of its students during their studies, both in their professional and academic careers, fully justify the title of ‘School of Excellence.’
The Faculty is designed as a leading educational and scientific institution in the field of contemporary economics, business, finance, banking, and related fields. It continuously aligns its study programs with the demands of modern economic science and best business practices.
If you want to acquire knowledge from university textbooks used by your peers at prestigious foreign universities, if you aim to have your competencies recognized as superior, and if you aspire to a successful professional or academic career, the BBA Faculty will provide you with these opportunities.
We warmly welcome you and wish you great success in your studies and in your future professional and academic development.
Emeritus Prof. Dr. Hasan Hanic

Knowledge bank

The mission of the faculty
The vision of the faculty
Placing the student at the center of attention and caring for each student.
Business collaboration with financial institutions and numerous companies.
Ongoing efforts to motivate and monitor students in achieving success.
Adapting to changes in the business and academic environment.
Concern for student employment.
Building fair and respectful international relationships to create a pleasant working atmosphere.
Study programs aligned with current and future labor market needs and academic standards.
Open-door policy.
Respecting the highest international academic and professional standards.
Care and responsibility towards society.

Photo: ©BBA Faculty
The faculty was founded on December 28, 2004.

prof. Dr. Hasan Hanić
Emeritus Professor Dr. Hasan Hanić began his academic career at the Faculty of Economics, University of Belgrade, where he was elected to all teaching and scientific titles. He was elected to the highest teaching-scientific title in 1993. At the Faculty of Economics, he held a series of leadership roles, including Vice Dean for Teaching, Vice Dean for Research, Director of the Research Center, Head of Postgraduate Studies, and others. In May 2005, he moved to Belgrade Banking Academy, of which he was the main founder. Due to his exceptional achievements in science and education, as well as his contributions to the development and international recognition of the Faculty and the University, he was awarded the highest academic title – Professor Emeritus.

Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade
The institute was founded in 1958. It holds the status of a state institute of national importance in the field of economic sciences. It has achieved notable results in organizing postgraduate studies in econometrics, statistical analysis, actuarial and insurance. The Institute employs over 40 scientists-researchers, including 33 Ph.D. holders in economic sciences.

Triglav Insurance a.d.o. Belgrade
Triglav Insurance is part of the insurance leader in the Adriatic region – Triglav Group. It was founded in 1972 and is engaged in providing insurance services of all kinds, including property insurance, life insurance, motor vehicle insurance, insurance for goods in domestic and international transport, and loan insurance.
Faculty administration

Dr. Ana Čukić Armstrong, Founder and Director of Fin Tech – AIM – Cube, London, Great Britain

Dejan Vukotić, President of the Executive Board of the Agency for Insurance and Export Financing

Zoran Jovanović, Director of the auditing firm Global Audit

Dr. Nikola Senesi, Director of the Wolf McGill Group

Marko Dubočanin, Founder and Director of Silver Bell Group

Rade Vujović, General Director of Roaming Networks

Slavica Pavlović, President of the Executive Board of Eurobank Direktna a.d. Belgrade

Dr. Vladimir Medan, President of the Board of Directors of the Deposit Insurance Agency

MSc Edin Hanić

Milan Vujović
Vice President of the Council

Miloš Petrović

Dr Kamilya Suleymenova

Dr Beriz Čivić

Dr Nataša Urbančíková

Dr Riad Shams

Dr Alessandro Figus

Dr. Emira Kozarević

Dr Marianna Siničáková

Dr Jan Buleca

Dr Michal Šoltés

Dr. Marko Tomljanović

Dr. Radislav Jovović

Dr. Damien Bazin

Dr. Nikolay Nenovsky

Dr. Svetlana Balashova

Dr. Marta C.N. Simoes

Dr. António Portugal Duarte

Valentina Vukmirović

Dr. Vladimir Simović

Dr. Slavica Stevanović

Dr. Aleksandar Zdravković

Dr. Mihajlo Đukić

Miloš Kolavčić

Dr. Miro Sokić

Dr. Jelena Galić

Rade M. Vujović

Edo Duran

Stefan Jovanović

Dr. Dejan Vukotić

Ljubica Pantelić

Mila Knežević

Nada Šironja

Dragana Nešović

Marija Milović

Zorica Matković

Sofija Vujinović

Mila Knežević
The teaching staff consists of professors and associates who have gained extensive pedagogical experience and achieved significant results in the scientific and professional fields from which they deliver lectures and exercises.

Over the past two decades, the BBA Faculty has established international cooperation with numerous reputable European universities in the fields of science, research projects, and the exchange of professors and students

Faculty of Economics of the Technical University in Kosice