Financial statistics,
Data analysis
Advanced business analytics,
Methodology of scientific research
Multivariate analysis,
Vladimir Vasić was born in 1969 in Belgrade, where he completed primary and secondary school. He entered the Faculty of Economics at the University of Belgrade in 1988. He graduated in 1994 from the course Theoretical Statistics, with the thesis topic ” The Generatrix Functions”. In 1994, he enrolled in master’s studies at the same faculty, majoring in Statistical Analysis. In 1999, he successfully defended his master’s thesis “Missing data statistical analysis “, which earned him the title of master of statistical sciences. He defended his doctoral dissertation entitled “Modern methods of statistical analysis of missing data” in 2003, earning the title of Doctor of Statistical Sciences. From the following year, he will be giving lectures and exercises on the Multivariate Analysis course. Since 2013, he has been giving lectures and exercises, also on the subject Nonparametric Statistical Methods. During his master’s degree, he taught the Multivariate Analysis M course, as well as the International Master of Quantitative Finance (IMQF) course. During his doctoral studies, he gave lectures on the subjects Multivariate Analysis D, and Methods and Techniques of Scientific Research and Analysis.
In addition to conducting exercises in the course Basics of Statistical Analysis at the Military Technical Academy in Belgrade, he also conducted lectures and exercises in the courses Basics of Statistics, as well as Business Statistics at the Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade. At the Faculty of Pharmacy, the same university, during his master’s studies, he taught the course Multivariate Analysis.
The scientific research work is primarily focused on the implementation of statistical econometric theory in various fields of scientific research. Of the aforementioned statistical econometric theory, he was mostly focused on econometric and multivariate analysis, while lately, his attention has been mostly occupied by machine learning. As a co-author (who was in charge of the methodology, as well as the statistical econometric analysis) he published twenty-four papers in journals on the SCI/SSCI list. He was also a reviewer in the journals: Economic Annals, Journal of Business Economics and Management, as well as Statistical Review. He was also the vice-president of the Statistical Society of Serbia.
In addition to collaborating with colleagues from various universities at the academic level, he is involved in various commercial economic projects in the region, where he is involved in the implementation of statistics, econometrics and machine learning.
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