EURAS Conference and EURIE Training Workshop at BBA

Eurasian Universities Union – EURAS Conference and EURIE Training Workshop 


Regional Cooperation and Internationalization in Higher Education

will be hosted by

Belgrade Banking Academy, Zmaj Jovina Street 12, Belgrade 

on December 5th2016


The EURAS conference titled Improving Regional Cooperation in Southeast Europe will consist of a panel of distinguished academics discussing how to improve regional cooperation through educational and scientific exchange.University rectors, vice-rectors, deans, academics in social sciences, humanities, regional studies are kindly invited to attend. Attendance to the conference is free.

The EURIE Training Workshop is titled Charting Your Own Path to Internationalization. This is a professional development module for International office managers and staff at higher education institutions. In the workshop participants would be able to explore, in an interactive format, various aspects and instruments of internationalization in higher education, examine current trends and select the instruments best suited to their institutions.


EURIE Training Content